Tablet comparison
Discover our different turret options
Find the most suitable turret for your requirements.
Single format turret
Combi turret
FlexAdapt turret
Turret configurations for each tablet press model
Futorque X-1: 18
RoTab T: 10
RoTab Bilayer: 20
Futorque X-1: 14
RoTab T: 8
RoTab Bilayer: 16
B / D format on one turret:
Futorque X-1: 7 + 7
RoTab T: 4 + 4
RoTab Bilayer: 8 + 8
Adapter system for B+D:
Futorque X-1: 14
RoTab T: 8
RoTab Bilayer: 6
Each station can be equipped with B or D format
Single format turrets are designed for the operation with one tableting tool format, mostly B or D. With a dedicated guiding cam set also special formats as EU 1″-441 can be used.
The Combi Turret offers two different punch formats on the same turret. B and D stations alternate on the system, the advantage is a lightning fast format exchange and full format flexibility.
FlexAdapt is a unique all-in-one system: Full format flexibility without compromises in number of stations. Each punch station is equipped with adapters for punches from B to D size (or other special formats). The die table is designed to take D dies, for all smaller formats (B, BB, BBB, BBS etc.) adapters will be used. With it’s huge advantages, FlexAdapt makes any turret exchange system pointless.