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RoTab® T 3.0 – the bestseller of our R&D tablet press

Developed for high mobility it can be transported to any place in the facilities. With a batch size range from 50 gram up to 50 kg and the capability to operate with any kind of punch tools, the RoTab T is definitely your best choice for highest flexibility in R&D.

Pharmaceutical Tablet Press Machines

Futorque® X-1


Futorque® R&D tablet press

RoTab® T 3.0

Compact, mobile and user friendly

RoTab T mobile R&D tablet press, single layer

RoTab® Bilayer 2.0

Mono and bilayer tablet development

RoTab Bilayer, R&D bilayer tablet press

PrivMed® X

With the all-new PrivMed® X, we bring a revolution to all R&D tableting sites worldwide.

Precision medication, ultra compact tablet press

Futorque® WIP & SmartClean

The safest way for contained tablet R&D and small to medium scale production up to OEB 5

Futorque® WIP contained tablet press

Compare our turret technology

Unique turret technologies as the FlexAdapt system offers full tool format flexibility,

makes turret exchange pointless and saves investment costs.


Discover the Futorque® X-1

With the new flagship Futorque® X-1 kg-pharma offers the perfect hybrid tablet press: optimized for the R&D and production scale.

Tablet uphill deduster

Find out about our Peripherals!

Tablet press comparison
Compare our tablet presses
Our Products

Discover our products. We offer a wide range of tablet presses, polishing machines and the suitable peripherals. Optimize your production process and produce tablets quickly, flexible and according to the respective production mode.

Fields of application for our products

There are many ways to use kg-pharma products. Find out more about the different fields of application here.

Innovative Tablet Presses

Our tablet presses are the key to scale-up, production optimization and potential savings thanks to higher production availability.

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